Answer each question within around 100 words paragraph so make total 400 words
SUMMARY: Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen weighed in on a growing debate among investors and market economists, suggesting the years long stock rally may have driven prices too high and raising concerns that debt-market investors are taking excessive risks. Ms. Yellen's remarks came during a conversation with International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde before an audience at the IMF's headquarters in Washington. Ms. Lagarde asked the central-bank chief about the possibility that the Fed's rock-bottom interest-rate policy is leading to bubbles in financial markets. Other areas of possible concern are low differentials between the yields of riskier corporate bonds and safe-haven Treasury debt, and high levels of debt in the leveraged-loan market, she said.
CLASSROOM APPLICATION: The article can be used to introduce a discussion of bubbles, why the Fed's current interest-rate policies might be contributing to a bubble, how a bubble can be identified, and what can be done to prevent bubbles from forming.
1. International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde asked Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen whether the Fed's interest-rate policy might be leading to bubbles in financial markets. What is a bubble?
2. Why might the Fed's interest-rate policies be contributing to bubbles in financial markets?
3. How can a bubble be identified?
4. How can a bubble be prevented?

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