Postgraduate SSE Management Assignment

Postgraduate SSE Management Research Module
Assessment Guidance 
Assessment title: Research Proposal
Assessment purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to assess your skills in planning a research study.
Link to your project: Although the research topic you discuss as part of this assessment may be different to the research topic you are assigned for your project, this assessment will be a good indicator of how your research planning skills have developed, skills which you can readily transfer to the planning of your postgraduate research project.
Which topic do I pick? Your programme leader has provided a list of topic areas for your programme of study. The full list is available on blackboard. For this assignment, you should pick one of these topic areas and then for each section of the research proposal demonstrate how you would go about planning a research study for that topic. The table below provides further guidance on what is required for each section of the proposal.  

Proposal section
What to include
Demonstrate that you understand:
Additional help and guidance sources
Research aim, objectives and rationale
With reference to your chosen topic:
*Discuss the classification of research in this field – what type of research is conducted (remember purpose, logic, process, outcome - refer to your slides). 
*Discuss the practical considerations that scope / constrain a research study –consider safety issues, ethical issues, programme requirements, for example.
*Include the research aim and objectives.

Demonstrate that you understand :
ü  The purpose of research
ü  The different types of research  project
ü  The practical considerations involved in designing research
ü  An overview of how to develop a research question  /aim / set of objectives
Slides sessions 1 & 2
Your programme handbook
Recommended text

Literature review
*Discuss the most appropriate method for conducting a literature review for your chosen topic (for example, a systematic literature review).
*Include relevant information on how you have developed your search criteria (for example in which journals will you search, who are the key authors, which key words will you use and why, how will you scope the search?). 
*Discuss the importance of correct referencing.
*Define plagiarism and put forward your plan for avoiding this.

Demonstrate that you understand :
ü  The different methods of reviewing literature
ü  The type of literature review most relevant to your specialist field
ü  The key journals and  databases in your specialist field
ü  The steps required in conducting a  literature review
ü  How to reference correctly
ü  Plagiarism and how to avoid it
Notes from the library sessions.
Slides from session 3.
Libguides resources.
Recommended text.
Research methodology

*Provide a plan of a research study for your chosen topic.

Demonstrate that you understand:
ü  The different paradigms that underpin research
ü  How paradigms determine methodology
ü  The key stages required in designing a valid and reliable research project
Slides from sessions 4, 5, 6.
Recommended text.
Programme guidelines.
Ethical considerations
*Refer to the University ethics policy and discuss how your study will be designed in accordance with the policy.
Demonstrate that you understand: 
ü  The University’s Ethics Policy
ü  How to design an ethical research project
University Ethics Policy
Slides session 2.
Recommended text.
Research project plan
*Provide a project plan / Gantt chart for your research study.
*Ensure you include the key milestones and deadlines.
*Provide an overview of the skills required to conduct a research study and include an assessment of your skills (you can use the one we did in class) and provide an action plan of how you will develop your skills.
*Include an assessment of costs.
Demonstrate that you  understand :
ü  The key stages and deadlines involved
ü  The skills required to conduct research and an action plan of how you will develop these
ü  The costs associated with conducting research
Slides session 2.
Recommended text.
Information given in project week.
*Include a front sheet with your name, student number and programme of study.
*Include page numbers.
*Follow referencing guidelines.
*Reference all tables / diagrams used.

 Your proposal should be professionally presented and adhere to norms of referencing and academic language. 
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