•Using Santander’s retail banking(http://www.santander.com/) as a case study:1.Identify a potential target market for Santander’s retail banking’sfutureinternational expansion strategy. (This means that you must notchoose a market already servedby Santander’s retail banking; doing so will result in failingthis assignment).
2.Identify the macro-environmental characteristics of this market.3.Critically analyse the key strategic issues the firm faces in expanding into this market (opportunities and threats in the firm’s external environment plus strengths and weaknesses in the firm’s internal environment).4.Recommend actions to be taken to ensure that this strategic international expansion is a success for the firm.Group Presentation / Report
•Puerto Rico
•PeruSantander –International Presence (17/01/14)
Santander’s Annual Report (2012) and a link to its corporate website are on the ‘Assessments’ section of Blackboard7
•You are required to begin researching for the group report once your teaching in Week 1 has finished. •You are also expected to have written a substantial amount of your group report prior to your group presentation in Week 3. •You will receive verbal feedback on your presentation; this feedback should be taken into account when completing and reviewing the final draft of your group report.Links Between the Group Presentation & Report8
•20-minute group presentation (+10 minutes for questions / answers)•Based on the assignment tasks above (Slide 6), prepare a group presentationthat outlines: 1.the progress you have made to date in researching the assessment’s topic2.the progress you have made to date in preparing your group report•You are strongly advised to present your progress to date in the same order as the assignment tasks (Slide 6)Group Presentation9
•You are required to create a group of 6members–Please complete the group membership form which will be handed out to you now & return it to your tutors before the end of this session•You will be advised by Blackboard / e-mail at the beginning of Week 2 of the time and venue where your presentation will take place. Group Presentation10
•Based on the assignment tasks above (Slide 6), prepare a group written reportbetween 2500-3000 words (excluding references). •Your group written report should incorporate any feedback from your tutors that may be suggested at your presentation. •You are strongly advised to structure your report in the same order as the assignment tasks (Slide 6).•The written report should indicate(on the cover page) the contribution by each member of the group. Group Report11
2.Identify the macro-environmental characteristics of this market.3.Critically analyse the key strategic issues the firm faces in expanding into this market (opportunities and threats in the firm’s external environment plus strengths and weaknesses in the firm’s internal environment).4.Recommend actions to be taken to ensure that this strategic international expansion is a success for the firm.Group Presentation / Report
•Puerto Rico
•PeruSantander –International Presence (17/01/14)
Santander’s Annual Report (2012) and a link to its corporate website are on the ‘Assessments’ section of Blackboard7
•You are required to begin researching for the group report once your teaching in Week 1 has finished. •You are also expected to have written a substantial amount of your group report prior to your group presentation in Week 3. •You will receive verbal feedback on your presentation; this feedback should be taken into account when completing and reviewing the final draft of your group report.Links Between the Group Presentation & Report8
•20-minute group presentation (+10 minutes for questions / answers)•Based on the assignment tasks above (Slide 6), prepare a group presentationthat outlines: 1.the progress you have made to date in researching the assessment’s topic2.the progress you have made to date in preparing your group report•You are strongly advised to present your progress to date in the same order as the assignment tasks (Slide 6)Group Presentation9
•You are required to create a group of 6members–Please complete the group membership form which will be handed out to you now & return it to your tutors before the end of this session•You will be advised by Blackboard / e-mail at the beginning of Week 2 of the time and venue where your presentation will take place. Group Presentation10
•Based on the assignment tasks above (Slide 6), prepare a group written reportbetween 2500-3000 words (excluding references). •Your group written report should incorporate any feedback from your tutors that may be suggested at your presentation. •You are strongly advised to structure your report in the same order as the assignment tasks (Slide 6).•The written report should indicate(on the cover page) the contribution by each member of the group. Group Report11
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