Corporate Espionage ASSIGNMENT - SOLVED

1.      Preventing Corporate Espionage
Any sort of business that has exclusive data may be under danger of corporate espionage. Compromised information could comprise of representative data, customer data, exploration archives, customer agreements and model plans for new items etc. Outside interests take data to extort or coerce the organization for cash (FBI, 2015). They might likewise create intricate tricks, perpetrate plastic money extortion, or other criminal conduct with the data stolen. Here are few guidelines on general computer security for organizations to prevent themselves from corporate espionage (Easttom, 2012):
a.      Be aware of anti-virus and anti-Trojan products: Trojan Horses and viruses are most often used to lift data from corporate networks. This kind of espionage is exceptionally focused and secret. Data might likewise be imparted to the people you are entrusting to keep you ensured. Corporation who buy antivirus software for their security must trust the people in the partnerships utilized to secure them, in light of the fact that that anti-virus programmers might likewise be liable of corporate secret activities (Business Security, 2015). Anti-virus programmers may hack a framework speedier than any outside element.
b.      Implement strict copyright policies: Displeased employees may be likely contender for corporate espionage. Organizations ought to be mindful of Web 2.0 administrations, anti-virus and anti-Trojan software products, and outside storage. Organizations ought to ensure all copyrights, trademarks, and licenses that are put away electronically, and other scholarly e-properties.
c.       Secure customer information: Not just the organization ought to be worried about their own data, yet they ought to additionally be concerned with keeping up the security of their customers' data. Delicate data, for example, addresses, Social Security numbers, record numbers and payment card numbers must be ensured (Easttom, 2012). Break of this kind of data may cause unsalvageable mischief to an individual and can be the obligation of the organization. At the point when individual data is lost or ruptured, organizations may lose a large number of dollars and face charges from a great many really incensed clients.
d.      Often redesigning organizational security: Uncontended assents are a beginning in keeping employees from uncovering organization information. That is why, workers frequently impart information without understanding. Especially government organizations need firewalls and different approaches to square organization touchy information from spilling from the company (The Economic Times, 2015). Also, all anti-Trojan and anti-virus ought to be redesigned oftentimes.
2.      Handling Employees
Most often, employees commit corporate espionage is committed by employees. In fact, employees contribute for around 85 percent of corporate espionage. A research study explored that organizations lose up to $100 billion per year due to corporate espionage (Business Security, 2015).
Measurably, organizations have demonstrated that 75 percent of business surveillance happens from acquiring a physical information or storage instrument, instead of hacking.  Organizations ought to screen their practices to guarantee that these specific events don't happen. Organizations may actualize various security protections to handle their employees from being indulging in corporate espionage.
a.      Shred Documents:  Since a greater part of data stolen is in the physical structure, organizations ought to shred all reports before they are tossed. A normal destroying methodology will keep fundamental organization data from being stolen from the organization.
b.      Abstain from Printing Proprietary Information: Don't print sensitive data of organization unless it is completely vital (Easttom, 2012). At that point instantly put the data in a protected envelope or spot until it achieves the proposed party. Data lying around on a work area may be effortlessly replicated, shot, or stolen. Organizations ought to change their approaches with a specific end goal to keep this event.
c.       Duplicate Proof Technology: Organizations should invest in innovation that anticipates reports with delicate organization data from being replicated. Basic arrangements may be a project like Adobe Acrobat, or PageMaker, permitting you to watermark or overall shield your archives from duplication (Business Security, 2015).
d.      Venture Rights Management: Organizations may set access controls inside programming showing approved workers that are permitted to print particular runs of particular records. This will save employees from heedlessly printing materials which may open the organization to pointless dangers.
e.       Print Encryption: Print encryption is an alternate technique to save sensitive data of organization. At the point when a record is printed, it shrouds delicate data in the print fields where the encryption happens. The encrypted data should be just seen by workers who have the power to view the data.

3.      Asset Identification and security in Organization
Suppose we are running a school with well-established brand name. There must be several assets under the ownership of our school. We need to identify assets which may be a victim of corporate espionage and we need to identify security measures to save our school from this factor.
Table 3.1: Asset identification worksheet
Services and Applications
Other Assets
Student’s Personal Information
Exchange Server
Fees Account
Exchange Server
Furniture Supplier Account
Exchange Server
Marketing Strategies
Exchange Server
Standardised Syllabus
Exchange Server
Bank Statements
Online Banking
Exchange Server
Source: (Easttom, 2012).
The above table represents some of important assets/information of school that is stored in database of online network and used by different concerned employees in order to run school operations successfully. This information is also often exchanged between employees via exchange server/email. Hence, there is a huge chance of espionage for this important information, such as students are customers of school and their personal information should be under full protection, i.e. other organizations can use student phone numbers from this information  and use those phone numbers for the purpose of marketing. 
Moreover, it is important for company to save its financial information (i.e. cash inflow and cash outflow) which could be important for organizations like cash lenders or borrowers who lend or borrow cash to/from school. As it’s, standardised syllabus of school is also of much importance, it include exam papers and student assessments, which should be saved enough that no student can access it before real exam date.
Hence, all these types of information stored in database of school is much important and should not be accessed by outsiders in any manners using secure software products for structured query language (SQL) databases from authorized company that had been previously used at corporate level with positive feedback. Additionally, we also need to secure exchange servers of our school by disabling open relaying on all SMTP virtual servers, preventing anonymous access on internal SMTP virtual servers and dedicated SMTP virtual servers for IMAP and POP employees (Technet, 2005).


Business Security. (2015). Tips for Preventing Business Espionage. Retrieved 03 21, 2015, from
Easttom, W. C. (2012). Computer security fundamentals (2nd ed.). Indianapolis : Pearson. ISBN: 9780789748904.
FBI. (2015, 03 21). Economic Espionage: Protecting American’s Trade Secrets. Retrieved from
Technet. (2005). Securing Your Exchange Server. Retrieved 03 21, 2015, from
The Economic Times. (2015, 03 14). Corporate espionage: Companies benefitted from advance information of government policies, says CBI. Retrieved 03 21, 2015, from

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