The studies on product management are based
on two main premises. i.e. product's capability (ultimately made by customers)
and supplier's decision (to provide a particular level of product capability to
Casual industry observation elaborate marketing
practices that deviate from these premises, mostly products that are capable of
"too little” are considered as under provision, while products that are
capable of "too much” are considered as overprovision and OVERSHOT
customers who consume a product but are not pleased, and even frustrated, with
what it offers to them because the capabilities provided are in excess of their
needs, which is outcome of overprovision.
Authors utilized Competing Value frame work
having 4 cultures, expecting Adhocracy and market culture promote product
overprovision and Bureaucracy and Clan culture promote product underprovision.
They argue that whether the overprovision
potential of an adhocracy and market culture actually manifests itself in the
form of overshot customers depends on whether restraints exist that prevent
mismatches with customers' needs. They also propose that such restraints reside
in other aspects of a firm's culture, namely, in its customer. If a firm's
customer orientation is sufficiently strong, it may
(1) Attenuate the general tendency of adhocracy and market cultures to
(2) Help ensure that these CVF cultures' relevant values are adapted so
that capability levels are consistent with customer needs.
Hence, Authors expect the level of product
capability that is ultimately offered to a customer to depend on the
interactions between certain CVF cultures and the firm's customer orientation.
The studies on product management are based
on two main premises. i.e. product's capability (ultimately made by customers)
and supplier's decision (to provide a particular level of product capability to
Casual industry observation elaborate
marketing practices that deviate from these premises, mostly products that are
capable of "too little” are considered as under provision, while products
that are capable of "too much” are considered as overprovision and
OVERSHOT customers who consume a product but are not pleased, and even
frustrated, with what it offers to them because the capabilities provided are
in excess of their needs, which is outcome of overprovision.
Authors utilized Competing Value frame work
having 4 cultures, expecting Adhocracy and market culture promote product
overprovision and Bureaucracy and Clan culture promote product underprovision.
They argue that whether the overprovision
potential of an adhocracy and market culture actually manifests itself in the
form of overshot customers depends on whether restraints exist that prevent
mismatches with customers' needs. They also propose that such restraints reside
in other aspects of a firm's culture, namely, in its customer. If a firm's
customer orientation is sufficiently strong, it may
(1) Attenuate the general tendency of adhocracy and market cultures to
(2) Help ensure that these CVF cultures' relevant values are adapted so
that capability levels are consistent with customer needs.
Hence, Authors expect the level of product
capability that is ultimately offered to a customer to depend on the
interactions between certain CVF cultures and the firm's customer orientation.
Author made three specific contributions to
the literature. As, previous research (e.g., Christensen 1997) documented the
phenomenon of overprovision and described the difficulties overprovision causes
for customers.
Authors in this paper showed
- How certain aspects of a supplier firm may create such problems in the first place by simply demonstrating the existence of overprovision, suggesting its unique antecedents.
- CVF cultures possess distinct "dark sides," which have the potential to compromise customer outcomes. The relevant cultural influences are important for marketers to understand not only because of the effect they can have on customers but also because firms may promote their emergence in the first place.
- Focus on customer orientation by showing that its particular values may play an even greater role within a company than commonly assumed.
On the other hands, author explained
certain theoretical arguments in this research study. A general theoretical
argument is that the level of a product's capability is affected by a
supplier's organizational culture, or "the pattern of shared values and
beliefs that help individuals understand organizational functioning and thus
provide them with the norms for behaviour in the organization". Another
argument is that two particular CVF cultures i.e. adhocracy and market are
associated with overprovision tendencies. Unlike bureaucracy and clan cultures,
which share an internal focus on efficiency through integration, adhocracy and
market cultures share an external focus on competitive positioning through
Authors believed that demonstrating
product-culture links in a domain in which the focal decisions usually involve
fixed investments on the part of a supplier (Jackson 1985) represents a strong
test of their theory. These variations in the provision of capability are even
more likely in pure service domains, in which capability levels can be easily
varied upward or downward by suppliers.
The longitudinal investigations of the
relationship between capability provision and strategic positioning. Possibly,
trade-offs may exist in a CVF culture (e.g., market culture) support firm-level
strategic objectives (e.g., developing a reputation for being a supplier of well-engineered
Also, authors were successful in finding
out their expected result that a customer orientation did play the predicted
alignment role in certain types of CVF cultures.
A major weakness of this study is that,
authors limited their study to only one particular marketing domain, namely,
decisions about actual products. However, authors believe that there are some
advantages associated with restricting the scope of the study in terms of fixed
investment on the part of supplier.
Also, authors failed to elaborate
consistent findings regarding customer orientation that did not significantly
affect a firm's product-capability decisions in its own right. On the face of
it, this finding appears inconsistent with the market orientation literature.
On the other hands, author mentioned in
limitations of study that longitudinal investigations of the relationship
between capability provision and strategic positioning. Possibly, trade-offs
may exist in that a CVF culture (e.g., market culture) may have undesirable
consequences at the individual customer level (i.e., in the form of
overshooting, which is another main weakness of this paper.
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