Introduction. 3
Purpose of the report: 3
Interesting factors of the study: 3
Structure of the study: 3
Section One: 3
Description of the character and reason of choosing the character: 3
Personality of the character: 5
Trait Theory: 6
Motivation of the character: 6
Three needs theory of David C. McClelland: 7
Vroom’s Expectancy theory: 8
Conclusion about Motivation. 9
Reference List 10
Personality of a person imitates the
behavior of the human being. It reflects the psycho physical system
that demonstrates the behavior of the individual in a certain situation.
The personality of every person is different from one another. In this
particular report the analyst is focused on analyzing the personality of
the chosen character, Matt Perry in the film Healing. It shows that the
person motivates the prisoners to give them a better life (Rawat,
2015). The motivational theory is used to identify the way of motivation
that Matt Perry gives to the prisoners. Matt Perry was highly motivated
to do something unique for the broken men of the prison. The
individuals were frustrated about their life within the prison. At the
same time the character chosen here had also motivational power to
motivate the prisoners.
Purpose of the report:
The purpose of the report is to analyze
the character of Matt Perry in the film Healing. The report analyzes
the personality factor of the character chosen in the study. The study
is mostly concerned about the fact that how the character influence the
other character of the film. The study also analyzes that the
motivational power of the character. How Matt Perry motivates the
prisoners in order to give them a better life is explained here. The
managerial skill of the character is also explained in this particular
Interesting factors of the study:
The interesting factor of the study is
to demonstrating the character of Matt Perry as a good motivator of
frustrated people. The study aligns this character with a good manager
who is able to handle a lot of bad people having a chance to be
reformed. The study shows a character who is a senior case worker in a
prison which is a low security prison having a great ability to build
motivation among the frustrated people of the prison.
Structure of the study:
The study briefly describes the
character of Matt Perry in the film Healing and also shows why the
analyst have chosen this character for his study. The study is related
to the behavior of Matt Perry in order to describe the personality of
the character. The analyst has also explains the motivating ability of
the character chosen here. The character poses some managerial skills
with him that helped him to influence others.
Section One:
Description of the character and reason of choosing the character:
The analyst of the report has chosen the film ‘Healing’ as his case Study.
He has particularly chosen the character named Matt Perry as the
character to be analyzed. The film is directed by Craig Monahan (Busse,
2011). The writers of this film are Craig Monahan and Alison Nisselle.
The character chosen here from the film is played by Hugo Weaving. The
film is inspired by the real factors of the life. It is a powerful and
redemption story. The character of this study has discovered hope and
sprit of healing among the broken men of the prison (Steiner and
Wooldredge, 2015). The place of the film is plotted in a most unlike
place for the most unlike persons. The character of the story is a
senior case worker at Won Wron. It was a prison that has a very low
security. The prison had a very non- threatening environment where the
prisoners were not safe there. The character of Matt Perry was reflected
by another character named Viktor Kahdem (Krah, 2011). In order to
analyse the character of Matt Perry the analyst need to introduce the
character of Victor Kahdem. Victor Kahdem was a prisoner in that prison.
He was a man who had almost given his life up in the prison due to very
low security provided in the prison of the film. In the prison there
were many prisoners who have faced with a lot of problem in their life
(Nylander, 2015). Especially in the prison these prisoners have faced a
lot of security issue that make his life frustrated. Viktor Kahdem was
that kind of prisoner who was also frustrated in his life and almost
given his life up due to low security and non-threatening of the prison.
But he was the only prisoner who noticed that there are some individual
in the prison who can be reformed. Against the odds in the film Victor
Kahdem had met Matt Perry. He was case worker in the prison and his duty
was to ensure the safety of the prisoners. The character always wanted
to assist the prisoner in order to build social skill among the
prisoners(Bayuk, 2015). The duty of Matt Perry was focused on the
reforming the prisoners of the prison as a good human being. He also
tried to build emotional skills among the individuals of the prisoners
that would help them in being a good person in their life. As a case
worker his responsibility was to establish correctional system in order
to make correction of the habit of the prisoners. Matt Perry was that
kind of case worker who provides critical connection between the
security system of the prison and social service. He had an advisory
capacity that helps the criminals of the prison to rehabilitate and
reintroduce them back in their life and society. In the film it has been
seen that Matt Perry interacts with the prisoners in a daily basis
(Kristjánsson, 2012). He was used to analyze the tendencies of the psychology
of the criminals. He was also responsible for relating the past
behavior of the prisoner with their present behavior. In this film it
can be seen that Matt Perry had introduced unique program in order to
rehabilitate the broken men of the prison.
The analyst has chosen this character
because this character is a very good example of an efficient motivator
who was able to rehabilitate the broken individual of the prison. The
study is focused about analyzing the motivation theory. For this
character would be a good example for analyzing the theory. The analyst
of the report also wants to analyze the personality theory. The
character of the reports shows a good personality who was very much
capable of analyzing the behavior of the prisoners. He was a unique
person who had thought of a unique program to rehabilitate the broken
individual of the prison. It shows that the character has an extrovert
type of personality. He gave the prisoners a responsibility of
rehabilitation of injured raptors. It was a kind of bird like beautiful
and fearsome eagle or owls. The prisoner can learn rehabilitation in
their own life through this work (Magbojos, 2012). This shows that Matt
Perry had also good managerial skills that helped him to handle all
broken men of the prison.
Personality of the character:
Personality of an individual reflects
the human behavior of an individual. Personality is the sum of total of
an individual’s psycho physical system that demonstrates the behavior of
the individual in a certain situation. Personality can be different
from one person to another depending on the psycho physical aspect of
the individual. In this particular report the analyst is focused on
analyzing the personality of the chosen character. In the movie it can
be seen that Matt Perry had a very unique personality. He always wanted
to do something different in order to reform the characters of
individuals in the prison (Bosone et al. 2015). There are various
types of personalities depending on the traits of the person. In this
movie it can be seen that Matt Perry had extrovert type of personality.
The analyst has defined the personality of the character as extrovert
because he is sociable, friendly, lively, expressing his feeling and
ideas openly. The character was very much suitable and successful for
the position of case worker. He used to interact with lots of criminal
in the prison. In the film the prison had been shown is with very low
security and non-threatening. For handling this kind of prison the
character poses a firm personality (Miller, 2015). He tends to work
faster and avoided complicated procedure in the work. His personality
was matched with type ‘A’ personality. In this type of personality the
people are of very hard working and highly achievement oriented. For
example handling the broken men in the prison was not an easy job and in
this he was ultimately successful in rehabilitating those men. In this
case the Matt Perry was a successful case worker in his position. The
analyst of the report wants to analyze the personality of the character
through using the following personality theory.
Trait Theory:
Psychologists have tried to
understand personality on the basis on individual’s traits. Traits are
the unique characteristics of an individual which makes that individual
different from others. The more the characteristics are frequent in a
diverse situation the more the individual can be identified by the
important traits (Mukherjee et al 2012). In the prison there are
many case workers who have the responsibility of safety. But Matt Perry
was the only character who had thought the well being of the individual
of the prison. This implies the unique characteristics of Matt Perry
that made him different from others. Trait theory of the chosen
character are based on the following assumptions-
1) Traits can be common to many
individuals but vary according to absolute amounts between the
individuals. For example there are many other case workers in the
responsibility of safety of the individuals of the prison. All the case
workers used to do their work according to their job. But Matt Perry was
the only person who was able to understand the pathetic situation of
the individuals who stayed at low security prison. Matt Perry was unique
kind of person who has thought about the broken man of the prison. He
has a desire do something unique from others.
2) Traits are relatively stable. Their
consistent occurrence influences the behavior of human being (Güntert
and Wehner, 2015). For example the character chosen here were of
consistent effort in order for well being of the individual of the
prisoners. He was confident that if the individuals became successful in
rehabilitating the injured birds, they would definitely be able to
rehabilitate themselves also. The emotional stability that was remained
inside Matt Perry led him to initiate a unique program for the person of
the prison.
3) One’s trait can be measured by the
indicator of his or her behavior. The character chosen from the film
Healing was friendly with the individual of the prison and thus he was
very much able to understand the psychological factors of those persons
(Hoffman and Shipper, 2012).
Big Five Personality Theory:
There is another personality theory
named big 5 personality theory that defines the strong personality of
Matt Perry that is described below:
Extraversion: This element of big five
theory explains the sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high
amount of emotional value that a person have. In the movie ‘Healing’ it
can be seen that Matt Perry is a very kind hearted person with a high
amount of emotional value who always wanted to rehabilitate the broken
men of the prison.
Agreeableness: This dimension of big
five personality theory describes the trust, kindness and affection that
a person have. Matt Perry was that kind of case worker who was very
trustable to all the individual of the prison.
Conscientiousness: This dimension
describes the thoughtfulness of a person. Matt Perry was a very highly
goal oriented person whose goal was to rehabilitate the broken men of
the prison.
Neuroticism: Individual in this trait
dimension experience emotional instability, moodiness and sadness. Matt
Perry felt sad for the person of the prison.
Openness: This feature of describes
imagination and insight that person have. Matt Perry in the movie
‘Healing’ has a great power of insight that helped him to see the scope
of rehabilitation of some individual of the prison.
Motivation of the character:
Motivation can be defined as the
inner state of individual’s mind that activate and directs the behavior
of the individuals. Motivation makes the individuals to do something. It
is defined as willingness of individual to exert efforts towards
achieving the goal. In the film ‘Healing’ it can be seen that Matt Perry
was highly motivated to do something unique for the broken men of the
prison. The individual in the prison were having a lot of bad condition
in the prison is of low security and has non-threatening environment
(Güntert and Wehner, 2015). The individuals were frustrated about their
life within the prison. There was an individual named Victor Kahdem who
was about to give up in his life. The life of this Victor Kahdem
especially motivated Matt Perry to do something for the rehabilitation
of the broken men of the prison. At the same time the character chosen
here had also motivational power. He had the power to influence others.
The motivation of the chosen character has been the following
motivational theory-
Three needs theory of David C. McClelland:
According to this theory the
individuals who have acquired a particular need behave differently from
those who do not have. This theory focuses on three needs of individuals
that correspond to the motivation of the character chosen in this
study. The three needs are explained below:
Need for achievement: This
is the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to the set of standard
and to strive for getting success. Need for achievement is related to
directing the behavior towards competition with a standard of excellence
(Mihail and Kloutsiniotis, 2014). In this case it can be seen that the
character of Matt Perry is very much successful in his position of Case
worker. He always wanted to achieve high in his position. As he was a
high achiever in his position and wants to make difference in his job,
he performed better than any case worker who had a moderate or low need
for achievement in their job. The desire to achieve more in his life led
him to something special for his workplace. He was very kind hearted
man and he wanted to empathize with the broken man of the prison. He
found a scope that some person can be rehabilitated and for this he
initiated a unique program.
Need for power: The need
for power is concerned with making impact on others. It is related to
the desires of influencing others and an urge to change people. In this
case it can be seen that the chosen character of the film had great
influence on the broken men of the prison. The individual of the prison
were very much eager to listen to the suggestion provided by chosen
character (Wadhwa and Kim, 2015). This film had been introduced an eagle
named Yasmine that was an important character of the film. It acts like
a treatment to the broken men of the prison. Matt Perry was very much
confident that if the eagle and Victor Kahdem tame with each other
anything can be possible (Miller, 2015). With this much of confidence he
has the ability to influence the individuals of the prison. He had a
desire to exercise control over the individuals of the prison. The
character also posed a good concept of leader-follower relation. Matt
Perry acted as very good leader for the broken man of the prison. The
individuals of the prison was inspired the words of Matt Perry that
helped them to start their life in a new way.
Need of affiliation: This
need is defined by the desire of establishing and maintaining friendly
and warm relation with others (Simuth, 2015). These kinds of people have
strong desires for acceptance and approval of from other people. These
people have a tendency of fulfilling the wishes of those people whose
friendship and companionship they value. In this case it can be seen
that Victor Kahdem had become an important person to the chosen
character. He wanted do something different for Victor Kahdem and the
individual who were like Victor Kahdem. He introduced a unique program
of for the broken individual of the prison for rehabilitating those
individual (Yahne, Jackson and Tollestrup, 2015). Matt Perry was very
friendly in nature. The individual in the prison used to fell free in
sharing their problem with him. He was very much accepted by the people.
Vroom’s Expectancy theory:
Vroom’s Expectancy theory of
motivation assumes the behavior of the person results conscious choices
among the alternatives whose purpose is to maximize the pleasure as well
as to minimize the pain. The performance of a person depends on the
factors of the individuals like personality, knowledge, abilities,
knowledge as well as skills (Parente, Stephan and Brown, 2012). It is
being stated that the performance as well as motivations is linked in
the motivation of a person.
Expectancy: It defines the belief
that increases the effort and it leads to the performance and
satisfaction. In this case, Matt Perry achieves success and recognizes
by people for their great successful as a case worker. He works itself
to be recognizable and influences the individuals within the prison and
he fulfills their responsibility towards their work (Sendler, 2011).
Matt Perry is the individual who decide to behave in a certain way as
motivated to select a particular behavior over other behaviors and
expect the result of that selected behavior. Matt Perry was confident
that if the individual become successful in rehabilitating the injured
bird they would be able to rehabilitate themselves also. This confidence
made him give more effort in curing the broken men of the prison.
Instrumentality: It is the belief
that if a person will perform well in their workplace then it gives a
valued outcome that will be received (Westra and Aviram, 2013). In this
case, Matt Perry has a strong desire for acceptance as well as approval
from other people. They have a tendency to fulfill others wishes whose
friendship and companionship they value. He is the person who always
helps others in their need (Singh, 2013). In return they are wishing to
get reward that is presented in the form of recognition or sense of
accomplishment. He forms trust within the mind of the individuals of the
prison. The individuals of the prison trust him as Matt Perry was
highly motivated to do something unique for the broken men of the
prison. The individuals were frustrated about their life within the
prison. Therefore, Matt Perry supports and motivates them.
Valence: It is the significance
that the personality places ahead the expected outcome. The valence is
positive then the individual can prefer attaining the outcome to not
attaining it. It is the significance that is being connected by an
individual regarding the expected outcome. In this case, Matt Perry
motivates the individuals that are based on their needs, values as well
as goals (Tonidandel, Braddy and Fleenor, 2012). Therefore, the
individuals are giving value to the personality of Matt Perry. The
individual of the prison had a belief that it the result of the effort
that Matt Perry is evolving would give a successful result.
Conclusion about Motivation
In the film “Healing” it is being seen
that the character Matt Perry is motivated to do some unique thing for
the individuals of the prison. The individuals have a lot of problems
and they need support from someone to avoid their frustrated life. There
was an individual named as Victor Kahdem who gives up with his life.
The life of Victor Kahdem motivated Matt Perry to do something for the
rehabilitation of the broken men within the prison. He has the wish to
influence others and motivates to reach a high position in life. In this
cycle, thoughts influence the behavior, and behaviors drive the
performance. The performance has an impact on the thoughts of an
individual. With this much of confidence he has the ability to influence
the individuals of the prison. He had a desire to exercise control over
the individuals of the prison. The character also posed a good concept
of leader-follower relation. The individuals who have acquired a
particular need behave differently from those who do not have. The
motivational theory signifies the character of Matt Perry as a
successful case worker who is able to handle lot of bad people those are
having a chance to be reformed. Matt Perry is the senior case worker
who motivates the frustrated individuals of the prison. Victor Kahdem is
the individual who was about to give up in his life. The life of this
Victor Kahdem especially motivated Matt Perry. At the same time the
character chosen here had also motivational power.
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