Main Objective: Present a Business Process Improvement Strategy.
Project Setting:
In the context of a Business Process Improvement Specialist you are required to select a real world process with which you are familiar (or can become familiar with) and which you feel can be improved. As part of this exercise you are required to present your initial analysis of the process and to put forward a Business Process Improvement Strategy.
Your report may include the following (note this is not a prescriptive structure, which can be adapted as required).
Potential Outline of Report
High level description of the process(es) you are reviewing.
Summary description of the process(es) being reviewed
What are the perceived issues with the current process?
What are the boundaries?
What are the value adding activities?
Develop problem and goal statements
Analyse the process(es)
What is the current operation of the process (process mapping + descriptions as appropriate)?
Identify problems, weaknesses, change areas?
Develop and present a Business Process Improvement strategy.
Based on process analysis
Describe how this will likely improve the process(es) – use comparisons with other documented studies to indicate successes and potential magnitude of improvement.
In this strategy report complete a short review of potential process improvement tools/methods that could be used for this specific process and make recommendations for what should be used to carry out the process improvement project.
In your report you must engage with literature as appropriate and refer to it using the Harvard method of citation.
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