A number of explanatory models of comparative
accounting behaviour exist. These are
used to explain apparent accounting differences. However, there is a variety of opinion on
their usefulness as an explanatory tool.
Selecting one of the models discussed in the module so
far, evaluate the extent to which the model provides a useful basis for explaining
differences in the accounting, auditing or financial systems of two countries
of your choice.
(1500 words).
(Main models are Nobes, Hofstede or Gray)
To help you in determining the structure of your work
you should
Succinctly describe the model;
Provide a comparison of the two countries you have
chosen using the model as a structure;
Evaluate the model
Express your conclusions
Description of chosen model (10%);
Comparison of the two
countries you have chosen using the model as a structure (25%);
Evaluation of the model (25%)
Conclusions (10%)
Appropriateness of the material referenced (10%)
Written presentation (10%)
Wiki presentation and contribution (10%)
S. (1988) summary in Roberts et. Al
Model of National Cultural Differences and their Consequences: A Triumph of
Faith - A Failure of Analysis (McSweeney, B. (2003a) Human Relations, p89-118.)
C. (1998) “Towards a general model of the reasons for international differences
in financial reporting
C. and Parker, R. (2004) Comparative Internal Financial Reporting 8th edition
FT Prentice Hall)
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