BUSN311 D001 Spr 16: Assignments - Week Seven Essay

Essay topic: Reflecting on the concepts you have studied in the course, discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding Solyndra, the California based solar panel manufacturer.  You will need to research the company through the University library. Your essay should include the following:
1) Incorporate two to three specific laws that apply to the situation. 

2)  Apply three general legal concepts that were discussed in the required readings, i.e. Appendix B or other materials from the required readings.  Make sure you include in-text citations to the course materials, as failing to cite your sources will result in no credit in this section.    
3)  Discuss how the philosophy of economist Milton Friedman may have influenced the executives of the company.
4)  Identify an ethical framework other than Free Market Ethics that applies to this situation and discuss how it may have influenced the executives of the company. 
Your essay should be 1800 - 2450 words and in APA format.  Use at least seven credible sources for your essay, including at least two sources from the University library. Submit this essay as a Microsoft Word attachment in the Assignment section of the class, no later than Sunday of week seven.   
You must support your statements with materials from the required readings in the course, as well as outside research.  Cite your sources in APA format.  An abstract is not needed. A great source for those unfamiliar with APA formatting is http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx.  All material must be appropriately cited with an in-text citation (author, date) and a reference page listing.
Please do not name your file "Solyndra.docx."  Include your last name in the file name. For instance, if your name is Jane Smith  your document should be saved as "Smith_JSolyndra.docx"
The focus on this essay should be on the legal concepts.  Your discussion of the history of Solyndra should consist of no more than one page of the essay.
Unoriginal Content: 
Your essay may contain no more than 10% quotes from other sources.  Paraphrase what you read instead of copying and pasting.   You may not re-use work that you have submitted in previous classes. All work in this class must be original.
Essays that contain more than 50% unoriginal content will not earn any credit.  Essays that contain between 10% - 49% unoriginal content will receive a substantial point deduction. Paraphrase instead of copying and pasting. Please note there is a difference between unoriginal content and plagiarism.  Unoriginal content is correctly quoted and cited.  Plagiarized sentences and paragraphs are not correctly quoted or cited. Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for this assignment.

CriterionUnsatisfactory (Below 80%)Satisfactory (80% - 89%)Exceptional (90% - 100%)
Clearly identified legal concepts using the course materialsDid not discuss or define legal considerations of the Solyndra controversy that were covered in the required readings. A clear discussion of only one general legal concept. Did not incorporate the required readings.Clearly defined and identified at least two general legal concepts using the required readings and explained how they are applicable to the Solyndra controversyClearly identified and defined at least three general legal concepts using the required readings and discussed how they  are applicable to the Solyndra controversy 
Identified applicable legal codesProvided only one cite to a statute, federal act or regulation. Provided a brief  discussion of legal  codes and identified two specific laws. These will be actual statutes, regulations or acts.Provided detailed discussion of three specific laws, regulations or acts as well as  supporting evidence.
Discussed Milton FriedmanDid not sufficiently discuss Milton FriedmanBriefly discussed Milton FriedmanThoroughly discussed Milton Friedman, identified his ethical framework and  how the theories of Milton Freedman may have influenced Solyndra executives 
Applied an ethical frameworkDid not sufficiently discuss an ethical framework.  Provided a discussion on an additional ethical framework (other than  free market ethics) i.e. utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics or ethic of care.  Thoroughly discussed how an ethical framework may have influences Solyndra executives
Essay is 1800 - 2450 wordsEssay did not meet the minimum word count of 1800 wordsEssay exceeded the word count of 2450 words. Writing could be more conciseEssay is between 1800 - 2450 words
Provided research to support argumentsNo evidence of research. Significant instances of missing citations. More than 20%  unoriginal content.  Use of non-credible sources.  Did not use at least two sources from the University library.Most of the essay is supported by research.    Used at least seven credible sources.All arguments supported by research.  All research is correctly documented with in-text citations and a reference page.
APA FormattingEssay is not double- spaced or is missing a title page or reference page. References appear on reference list but not cited in essay. Significant citation errors. Most citations are in APA format.  The font should be 12 point. Essay is double- spaced, contains a title page and a reference page. All citations are in the correct format. 
MechanicsFrequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Use of first and second person, instead of third personMinor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Technically flawless, mechanically and grammatically correct.
FormatOrganization and structure developing but still some illogic in flow. Missing conclusion.Organization and structure are clear but presentation could be more precise. Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow. 

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