Case Problem 4.1 Coates’s Decision
- LG 2
- LG 4
January 1, 2017, Dave Coates, a 23-year-old mathematics teacher at
Xavier High School, received a tax refund of $1,100. Because Dave didn’t
need this money for his current living expenses, he decided to make a
long-term investment. After surveying a number of alternative
investments costing no more than $1,100, Dave isolated two that seemed
most suitable to his needs.
of the investments cost $1,050 and was expected to provide income over a
10-year period. Investment A provided a relatively certain stream of
income. Dave was a little less certain of the income provided by
investment B. From his search for suitable alternatives, Dave found that
the appropriate discount rate for a relatively certain investment was
4%. Because he felt a bit uncomfortable with an investment like B, he
estimated that such an investment would have to provide a return at
least 4% higher than investment A. Although Dave planned to reinvest
funds returned from the investments in other vehicles providing similar
returns, he wished to keep the extra $50 ($1,100 − $1,050) invested for
the full 10 yeas in a savings account paying 3% interest compounded
he makes his investment decision, Dave has asked for your help in
answering the questions that follow the expected return data for these
- Assuming that investments A and B are equally risky and using the 4% discount rate, apply the present value technique to assess the acceptability of each investment and to determine the preferred investment. Explain your findings.
- Recognizing that investment B is more risky than investment A, reassess the two alternatives, adding the 4% risk premium to the 4% discount rate for investment A and therefore applying a 8% discount rate to investment B. Compare your findings relative to acceptability and preference to those found for question a.
- From your findings in questions a and b, indicate whether the IRR for investment A is above or below 4% and whether that for investment B is above or below 8%. Explain.
- Use the present value technique to estimate the IRR on each investment. Compare your findings and contrast them with your response to question c.
- From the information given, which, if either, of the two investments would you recommend that Dave make? Explain your answer.
- Indicate to Dave how much money the extra $50 will have grown to by the end of 2026, assuming he makes no withdrawals from the savings account.
Case Problem 4.2 The Risk-Return Tradeoff: Molly O’Rourke’s Stock Purchase Decision
the past 10 years, Molly O’Rourke has slowly built a diversified
portfolio of common stock. Currently her portfolio includes 20 different
common stock issues and has a total market value of $82,500.
is at present considering the addition of 50 shares of either of two
common stock issues—X or Y. To assess the return and risk of each of
these issues, she has gathered dividend income and share price data for
both over the last 10 years (2007–2016). Molly’s investigation of the
outlook for these issues suggests that each will, on average, tend to
behave in the future just as it has in the past. She therefore believes
that the expected return can be estimated by finding the average HPR
over the past 10 years for each of the stocks. The historical dividend
income and stock price data collected by Molly are given in the
accompanying table.

- Determine the HPR for each stock in each of the preceding 10 years. Find the expected return for each stock, using the approach specified by Molly.
- Use the HPRs and expected return calculated in question a to find the standard deviation of the HPRs for each stock over the 10-year period.
- Use your findings to evaluate and discuss the return and risk associated with stocks X and Y. Which stock seems preferable? Explain.
- Ignoring her existing portfolio, what recommendations would you give Molly with regard to stocks X and Y?
Case Problem 2.1 Traditional Versus Modern Portfolio Theory: Who’s Right?
1. LG 5
2. LG 6
Davies and Shane O’Brien are district managers for Lee, Inc. Over the
years, as they moved through the firm’s sales organization, they became
(and still remain) close friends. Walt, who is 33 years old, currently
lives in Princeton, New Jersey. Shane, who is 35, lives in Houston,
Texas.Recently, at the national sales meeting, they were discussing
various company matters, as well as bringing each other up to date on
their families, when the subject of investments came up. Each had always
been fascinated by the stock market, and now that they had achieved
some degree of financial success, they had begun actively investing.
they discussed their investments, Walt said he thought the only way an
individual who does not have hundreds of thousands of dollars can invest
safely is to buy mutual fund shares. He emphasized that to be safe, a
person needs to hold a broadly diversified portfolio and that only those
with a lot of money and time can achieve independently the
diversification that can be readily obtained by purchasing mutual fund
totally disagreed. He said, “Diversification! Who needs it?” He thought
that what one must do is look carefully at stocks possessing desired
risk-return characteristics and then invest all one’s money in the
single best stock. Walt told him he was crazy. He said, “There is no way
to measure risk conveniently—you’re just gambling.” Shane disagreed. He
explained how his stockbroker had acquainted him with beta, which is a
measure of risk. Shane said that the higher the beta, the more risky the
stock, and therefore the higher its return. By looking up the betas for
potential stock investments on the Internet, he can pick stocks that
have an acceptable risk level for him. Shane explained that with beta,
one does not need to diversify; one merely needs to be willing to accept
the risk reflected by beta and then hope for the best.
conversation continued, with Walt indicating that although he knew
nothing about beta, he didn’t believe one could safely invest in a
single stock. Shane continued to argue that his broker had explained to
him that betas can be calculated not just for a single stock but also
for a portfolio of stocks, such as a mutual fund. He said, “What’s the
difference between a stock with a beta of, say, 1.2 and a mutual fund
with a beta of 1.2? They have the same risk and should therefore provide
similar returns.”
Walt and Shane continued to discuss their differing opinions relative
to investment strategy, they began to get angry with each other. Neither
was able to convince the other that he was right. The level of their
voices now raised, they attracted the attention of the company’s vice
president of finance, Elinor Green, who was standing nearby. She came
over and indicated she had overheard their argument about investments
and thought that, given her expertise on financial matters, she might be
able to resolve their disagreement. She asked them to explain the crux
of their disagreement, and each reviewed his own viewpoint. After
hearing their views, Elinor responded, “I have some good news and some
bad news for each of you. There is some validity to what each of you
says, but there also are some errors in each of your explanations. Walt
tends to support the traditional approach to portfolio management.
Shane’s views are more supportive of modern portfolio theory.” Just
then, the company president interrupted them, needing to talk to Elinor
immediately. Elinor apologized for having to leave and offered to
continue their discussion later that evening.
a. Analyze
Walt’s argument and explain why a mutual fund investment may be
overdiversified. Also explain why one does not necessarily have to have
hundreds of thousands of dollars to diversify adequately.
b. Analyze
Shane’s argument and explain the major error in his logic relative to
the use of beta as a substitute for diversification. Explain the key
assumption underlying the use of beta as a risk measure.
c. Briefly describe the traditional approach to portfolio management and relate it to the approaches supported by Walt and Shane.
d. Briefly
describe modern portfolio theory and relate it to the approaches
supported by Walt and Shane. Be sure to mention diversifiable risk,
undiversifiable risk, and total risk, along with the role of beta.
e. Explain
how the traditional approach and modern portfolio theory can be blended
into an approach to portfolio management that might prove useful to the
individual investor. Relate this to reconciling Walt’s and Shane’s
differing points of view.
Case Problem 5.2 Susan Lussier’s Inherited Portfolio: Does It Meet Her Needs?
- LG 3
- LG 4
- LG 5
- LG 6
Lussier is 35 years old and employed as a tax accountant for a major
oil and gas exploration company. She earns nearly $135,000 a year from
her salary and from participation in the company’s drilling activities.
An expert on oil and gas taxation, she is not worried about job
security—she is content with her income and finds it adequate to allow
her to buy and do whatever she wishes. Her current philosophy is to live
each day to its fullest, not concerning herself with retirement, which
is too far in the future to require her current attention.
month ago, Susan’s only surviving parent, her father, was killed in a
sailing accident. He had retired in La Jolla, California, two years
earlier and had spent most of his time sailing. Prior to retirement, he
managed a children’s clothing manufacturing firm in South Carolina. Upon
retirement he sold his stock in the firm and invested the proceeds in a
security portfolio that provided him with supplemental retirement
income of over $30,000 per year. In his will, he left his entire estate
to Susan. The estate was structured in such a way that in addition to a
few family heirlooms, Susan received a security portfolio having a
market value of nearly $350,000 and about $10,000 in cash.
father’s portfolio contained 10 securities: 5 bonds, 2 common stocks,
and 3 mutual funds. The following table lists the securities and their
key characteristics. The common stocks were issued by large, mature,
well-known firms that had exhibited continuing patterns of dividend
payment over the past five years. The stocks offered only moderate
growth potential—probably no more than 2% to 3% appreciation per year.
The mutual funds in the portfolio were income funds invested in
diversified portfolios of income-oriented stocks and bonds. They
provided stable streams of dividend income but offered little
opportunity for capital appreciation.

that Susan owns the portfolio, she wishes to determine whether it is
suitable for her situation. She realizes that the high level of income
provided by the portfolio will be taxed at a rate (federal plus state)
of about 40%. Because she does not currently need it, Susan plans to
invest the after-tax income primarily in common stocks offering high
capital gain potential. During the coming years she clearly needs to
avoid generating taxable income. (Susan is already paying out a sizable
portion of her income in taxes.) She feels fortunate to have received
the portfolio and wants to make certain it provides her with the maximum
benefits, given her financial situation. The $10,000 cash left to her
will be especially useful in paying brokers’ commissions associated with
making portfolio adjustments.
- Briefly assess Susan’s financial situation and develop a portfolio objective for her that is consistent with her needs.
- Evaluate the portfolio left to Susan by her father. Assess its apparent objective and evaluate how well it may be doing in fulfilling this objective. Use the total cost values to describe the asset allocation scheme reflected in the portfolio. Comment on the risk, return, and tax implications of this portfolio.
- If Susan decided to invest in a security portfolio consistent with her needs—indicated in response to question a—describe the nature and mix, if any, of securities you would recommend she purchase. Discuss the risk, return, and tax implications of such a portfolio.
- From the response to question b, compare the nature of the security portfolio inherited by Susan with what you believe would be an appropriate security portfolio for her, based on the response to question c.
- What recommendations would you give Susan about the inherited portfolio? Explain the steps she should take to adjust the portfolio to her needs.
Case Problem 13.1 Assessing the Stalchecks’s Portfolio Performance
- LG 3
- LG 4
and Nick Stalcheck have an investment portfolio containing four
investments. It was developed to provide them with a balance between
current income and capital appreciation. Rather than acquire mutual fund
shares or diversify within a given class of investments, they developed
their portfolio with the idea of diversifying across various asset
classes. The portfolio currently contains common stock, industrial
bonds, mutual fund shares, and options. They acquired each of these
investments during the past three years, and they plan to purchase other
investments sometime in the future.
the Stalchecks are interested in measuring the return on their
investment and assessing how well they have done relative to the market.
They hope that the return earned over the past calendar year is in
excess of what they would have earned by investing in a portfolio
consisting of the S&P 500 Stock Composite Index. Their research has
indicated that the risk-free rate was 7.2% and that the (before-tax)
return on the S&P 500 portfolio was 10.1% during the past year. With
the aid of a friend, they have been able to estimate the beta of their
portfolio, which was 1.20. In their analysis, they have planned to
ignore taxes because they feel their earnings have been adequately
sheltered. Because they did not make any portfolio transactions during
the past year, all of the Stalchecks’s investments have been held more
than 12 months, and they would have to consider only unrealized capital
gains, if any. To make the necessary calculations, the Stalchecks have
gathered the following information on each investment in their
Common stock.
They own 400 shares of KJ Enterprises common stock. KJ is a diversified
manufacturer of metal pipe and is known for its unbroken stream of
dividends. Over the past few years, it has entered new markets and, as a
result, has offered moderate capital appreciation potential. Its share
price has risen from $17.25 at the start of the last calendar year to
$18.75 at the end of the year. During the year, quarterly cash dividends
of $0.20, $0.20, $0.25, and $0.25 were paid.
Industrial bonds.
The Stalchecks own eight Cal Industries bonds. The bonds have a $1,000
par value, have a 9.250% coupon, and are due in 2027. They are A-rated
by Moody’s. The bonds were quoted at 97.000 at the beginning of the year
and ended the calendar year at 96.375%.
Mutual fund.
The Stalchecks hold 500 shares in the Holt Fund, a balanced, no-load
mutual fund. The dividend distributions on the fund during the year
consisted of $0.60 in investment income and $0.50 in capital gains. The
fund’s NAV at the beginning of the calendar year was $19.45, and it
ended the year at $20.02.
Options. The
Stalchecks own 100 options contracts on the stock of a company they
follow. The value of these contracts totaled $26,000 at the beginning of
the calendar year. At year-end the total value of the options contracts
was $29,000.
- Calculate the holding period return on a before-tax basis for each of these four investments.
- Assuming that the Stalchecks’s ordinary income is currently being taxed at a combined (federal and state) tax rate of 38% and that they would pay a 15% capital gains tax on dividends and capital gains for holding periods longer than 12 months, determine the after-tax HPR for each of their four investments.
- Recognizing that all gains on the Stalchecks’s investments were unrealized, calculate the before-tax portfolio HPR for their four-investment portfolio during the past calendar year. Evaluate this return relative to its current income and capital gain components.
- Use the HPR calculated in question c to compute Jensen’s measure (Jensen’s alpha). Use that measure to analyze the performance of the Stalchecks’s portfolio on a risk-adjusted, market-adjusted basis. Comment on your finding. Is it reasonable to use Jensen’s measure to evaluate a four-investment portfolio? Why or why not?
- On the basis of your analysis in questions a, c, and d, what, if any, recommendations might you offer the Stalchecks relative to the revision of their portfolio? Explain your recommendations.
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