this Assignment, you will again use the concepts you have learned in the course
to analyze cases. While you should rely primarily on the textbook readings, if
you include other outside research, it must be from peer-reviewed behavior
analytic journals. The case studies are located in the Doc Sharing area.
the following selections in your Applied Behavior Analysis text:
Chapter 19: “Shaping”
Chapter 20: “Chaining”
Chapter 24: “Functional
Behavior Assessment”
Chapter 26: “Contingency
Contracting, Token Economy, and Group Contingencies”
read Chapter 22: “Token Economy” in your Behavior Modification text.
reviewing each case study, write out the answers to the following questions for
each case:
Case 1: The Case of Brenda
Provide the rationale
for the behavior analyst’s selection of behavior chaining to help Brenda.
Discuss the main
components of chaining and describe three common chaining procedures. Which
would you select for Brenda and why?
Suppose that Brenda was
having difficulty mastering an aspect of the behavior chain. What could the
behavior analyst do to help with the mastery of this component of the chain?
Also, discuss the two ways that mastery of a unit of behavior may be assessed.
Case 2: The Case of Mrs. Riley
Discuss the rationale
for the behavior analyst’s recommendation of a token economy system to help
Mrs. Riley with her class.
Explain the six steps in
forming a token economy and the rationale for each step.
Discuss the role of
tokens and back-up reinforcers in the token economy system. How does each work
to modify behavior? Using the case study, identify the token and back-up
reinforcer. Bonus: What is the concern with the token selection in this case?
total Assignment must be between 4pages in 12-point font. Please be sure to use
proper APA format for all sources used. Direct quoting of sources should be
kept to a minimum. For additional help, refer to the APA Quick Reference on the
Course Home Page or to the Kaplan Writing Center.
Unit 6 Assignment Rubric
Areas shaded in gray connect to a
Grading Criteria
identifies rationale for the selection of behavior modification strategy in
each case.
Thoroughly discusses
behavior chaining (Case 1). Outlines the six steps and corresponding
rationales involved in the use of token economies (Case 2).
discusses assessment and evaluation of mastery in chaining (Case 1). Clearly
identifies the token, back-up reinforcer, and discusses the role of backup
reinforcers in token economies (Case 2)
Structure: Paper includes a title page, introduction with thesis
statement, conclusion, and in-text citations and reference page using APA
Paper is
appropriate in length (body of the paper should be 2–4 pages, not including
the title page or reference page).
Paper includes
reference to the textbook and any other academic sources used.
Mechanics: Paper uses Standard American English including correct
grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and complete sentences and paragraphs.
Paper is free
of typographical errors.
Paper includes
a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.
demonstrates superior organization; communication is highly ordered, logical,
and unified.
An explanation of the points
earned, as well as where the Assignment could be strengthened will be
included with your grade.
Unit 6 Assignment Case Study Transcripts
Case 1: The Case
of Brenda
This is Brenda. She
is 17 years old and plays competitive tennis. In fact she hopes to get a
scholarship to play in college. Brenda’s coach asked her to go see a behavior
analyst that specializes in sports and fitness because she is having difficulty
with her serve. She does not have enough speed and accuracy to win
matches. Her coach has tried every
strategy he knows with no success. Based on her interview with Brenda and her
review of videotapes of his serve, the behavior analyst decides to use chaining
to help. The behavior analyst will break down Brenda’s serve into individual
units of behavior such as the starting position; ball toss; swing of the racket
back; acceleration of the racket, contact with the ball; and follow-through.
Case 2: The Case of Mrs. Riley
This is Mrs. Riley.
She has just been asked to take over a class of third graders who are very
energetic and have tried the patience of many teachers. In fact, Mrs. Riley is
the third teacher to take over the class this year and it is only November!
These students are not only unruly but most of them did not earn passing marks
on their most recent state administered exam of basic skills. Mrs. Riley thinks
these poor scores were due to class time lost to constant disruption. The major
behavior challenges in the class are, fighting, yelling out answers/questions,
not staying seated during work time, and failure to complete in class
assignments. Mrs. Riley contacted a behavior analyst to design some effective
behavior modification methods that would help the children settle down and be
able to better focus on learning. The behavior analyst recommended a class-wide
token economy. Students would receive pennies for engaging in appropriate
behaviors such as: raising their hand, completing assignments, helping others,
and remaining in their seat during instructional time. A penny would also be earned at the end of
the day if the student had not engaged in any challenging behavior throughout
the day. Friday afternoons will be “store” time. The students will be able to
trade their pennies in for different items in the “store.”. Items available
will include: candy, small toys/crafts, and class privileges such as a night
“off” of homework. Students can “spend” their pennies each week on smaller items
or save up to buy bigger items like a day with early dismissal from school.
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