Re:Module 1 DQ 1
Personality is best
described as the differences among people that make up the character of that
person, including how one thinks, feels, and in some cases behaves (APA, n.d.).
Because personality makes up both how one thinks and behaves, there can be some
dissonance in this pairing. A person can think one thing, but behave another
way causing conflict which will result in a change in usually one or the other.
In some ways, people have been known to overcompensate by inflating their own
values or judging others more to make up for their own dissonance (Barkan,
Ayal, Gino, & Ariely, 2012). In other ways, people may say and believe they
will do something based on their thinking, but then actually behave in a
completely different way.
For example, I often think
and say I should exercise and I have a very motivated personality in many ways
yet I don’t exercise. This is a gap that exists in many people, which resulted
in research on this very topic. MacCann, Mullan, & Roberts (2015) found
that personality accounts for 45% and 39% of variance in integration and
behavior for exercise behaviors relating to personality. This is a good
indication that personality does not always predict behaviors but can some of
the time. However, some research indicates that extroversion can moderate the
dissonance mentioned above (Matz, Hofstedt, & Wood, 2008).
American Psychological
Association. (n.d.). Personality. Retrieved September 15, 2016, from
Barkan, R., Ayal, S., Gino,
F., & Ariely, D. (2012). The pot calling the kettle black: Distancing
response to ethical dissonance. Journal Of Experimental Psychology: General,
141(4), 757-773. doi:10.1037/a0027588
MacCann, C., Todd, J.,
Mullan, B. A., & Roberts, R. D. (2015). Can personality bridge the
intention-behavior gap to predict who will exercise?. American Journal Of
Health Behavior, 39(1), 140-147. doi:10.5993/AJHB.39.1.15
Matz, D. C., Hofstedt, P.
M., & Wood, W. (2008). Extraversion as a moderator of the cognitive
dissonance associated with disagreement. Personality And Individual
Differences, 45(5), 401-405. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2008.05.014
Maren Alitagtag
1 posts
Re:Module 1 DQ 1
Briefly define personality.
Does one's personality always predict one's behavior? Why or why not?
There are so many ways I
have read that define personality, that this question is actually quite
difficult. I would state that personality is the combination of innate
and nurtured traits unique to each person that affects their internal and
external responses to certain stimuli. Having said that, I am not sure
that personality will always be a predictor of behavior in that person.
Two people who may have similar amounts of extroversion in them may respond in
very different ways in certain situations based upon their upbringing and other
issues, such as cultural or religious expectations. I do believe that
both positive and negative personality traits have a strong effect on behavior,
such as was shown in a recent study regarding poor leadership qualities and
some of the more negative sides of behavior in the big five factor theory
(Kaiser, et al, 2015). However, using the word always seems a bit over
the top. For instance, if I have been out walking and in the hot sun,
when suddenly I see a drinking fountain, is stopping for a drink a personality
trait or simply a physiological response to a biological need? Now, on
the other hand, not stopping because of a fear of public germs or water sample
may in fact be a personality led behavior. I think it is a difficult
balance to maintain the idea that personality can predict behavior, but not
necessarily always predict behavior.
Kaiser, R. B., LeBreton, J.
M., & Hogan, J. (2015). The Dark Side of Personality and Extreme Leader
Behavior. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 64(1),
55-92. doi:10.1111/apps.12024
Kendrick Kim
1 posts
Re:Module 1 DQ 1
Briefly define personality. Does one's personality always
predict one's behavior? Why or why not?
According to Waker (2016) week 1 lecture and the citation by
Walker (2016) of Ryckman (2013) personality has different definitions among
each individuals where the definition of personality would be defined by
behaviors, attitudes, and viewpoints of life. Walker (2016) discusses in this
week’s lecture notes that individuals from whatever view point they are coming
from is that personalities do not change significantly during ones course of a
life time (Walker, 2016). Ryckman (2013) as cited by Walker (2016) defines
personality to be an individual’s thought pattern/process, feelings, and
behavior. It is noted by Ryckman (2013) as cited by Walker (2016) that the
thought patterns do not change within the individual over time, however
traumatic events or environmental influences can have an effect and influence
an individual’s personality. For example (personal note, please keep this
confidential), a friend of mind had such an outgoing personality, confident,
and really sociable with people, however one night after coming home from a
club, he was attacked by individuals because he was transgendered and
identified as female, so these attackers raped and left him in his own bodily
fluids. I was an emergency contact, so when I received a call, I was horrified
and saw that as the days progressed, he became distant, withdrawn, and the
happiness and bubbly personality was gone. To this day, he has never been the
same and his personality, behavior has certainly changed and those of us that
knew him/her, saw that our friend has become different. He has become more
aggressive and confrontational and always on alert of the surroundings.
Capsi, A., Roberts, B. W., & Shiner, R. L. (2005)
Personality development: Stability and change. Annual Review of Psychology, 56(1),
453-484. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.55.090902.141913.
Ryckman, R. M. (2013). Theories of personality (10th
ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. ISBN-13: 9781111830663.
(2016) Week One Lecture: Introduction and research methods, What is
personality. PSY840-Personality Psychology. Grand Canyon
Question from the professor
What was Freud’s definition of personality per a
psychoanalytic approach?
What was Freud’s definition
of personality per a psychoanalytic approach?
Is it different than what we
have today?
How does nature vs nurture fit into a
How does nature vs nurture
fit into a “personality?”
Are our personalities
shaped, are they genetic, both etc?
Please explain and back your
Feel free to jump in and
discuss further also!
Dr. N
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